Year 13 "Ethical Issue”
Achievement Standard 3.4 V2 (91464)
Analyse a contemporary ethical issue in relation to well-being Credits: 4
Where do I start?
You have probably discovered already that there are thousands of online sites you can visit when you search for information on your ethical issue - a lot of rabbit holes to explore! There are many ways to tackle this project and you may already have your own method that works for you, but if not, this page offers some suggestions that might be useful.
- Keep your assessment task in front of you as you work - that will help you keep in mind the PURPOSE of your search and keep you on track.
- You probably know this already, but just a reminder to use the 'control f' function so that your keywords take you to the exact point of an article that is of interest to you.
The padlet below has a range of resources just click on it and choose the column with the title of your issue eg Euthanasia and use the slider bar to check out the links in the column. This is just a starting place so you can get an overview before you search the internet further. The databases featured below the padlet may help also.
Also check out these....
Digital NZ has a wide range of articles, audio, video and images. Simply put in your keyword eg abortion and then you can use the filters to select media, dates, etc.
The database above searches articles in New Zealand and Australia and because you are working at home you need our school password to access them. The username is dhs and the password is epic. In this database you put your keywords in the search box eg euthanasia in New Zealand (so you don't get Australian articles), and then on the left hand side you will click on 'limit to full text' - this gives you only online articles. You can also use the filters to limit your search to newspapers, magazine articles etc